New installment of
Komakai's Fast Guides series, with a publication full of
exquisite photographs that cover in great detail the spectacular BMW M4 GT3. Includes
32 full color pages with detailed images of the interior, exterior, wheels, etc...
Additional details for the
BMW M4 GT3 reference / walkaround book:
- Manufactured by Komakai with reference KOM-FG035.
- To be used with Nunu reference PN24045.
- Package measures 214 mm x 154 mm x 8 mm (width x depth x height), weighting 85 g.
- Featured in newsletters 632 and 639.
4.6Overall rating:
| Click to filter | |
Sensational | | | 6 reviews (75%) |
Above average | | | 1 reviews (13%) |
As expected | | | 1 reviews (13%) |
Minor issues | | | 0 reviews (0%) |
Serious issues | | | 0 reviews (0%) |
Anonymous M.
Ben W.
Albert R.
David H.
Anonymous G.
Stephen W.
Mark U.
Mario P.
How good it is to have some good reference pictures to be able to complete our models in detail! Our friends at
Komakai know about scale modeling, looking for the right angles and the tiniest details so that, with their guides full of photos, it feels as if you have the actual vehicle right in front of you. Their Fast Guides are of great help, and with their Ultra Detail Guides you will be able to know the location of even the last screw. A pleasure for the eyes even if you don't have the model!