This product is supplied on demand. As it is an exclusive product and/or manufactured on demand for each order, it is not possible to cancel or refund it.
Set of Canonica Fondmetal rims used in rally cars such as Jean-Claude Andruet's Lancia 037 Chardonnet. The diameter of the front rim is 17 mm and the width is 10 mm, while the rear rim has a diameter of 18 mm and a width of 17 mm. Includes, in independent pieces, the bushings and nuts.

Additional details for the Canonica Fondmetal rims:
SpotModel recommends this product exclusively for experienced professional modellers and collectors. Take appropriate precautions as this product is not a toy, it can be toxic and/or dangerous. Keep away from children. Use is not allowed for children under 14 years.


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 Anonymous S.

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 Adam K.

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 Thierry B.

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 Anonymous V.

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 Martin S.

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 Anonymous S.

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 Anonymous M.

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 Pascal M.

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 Andre D.

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 Charles S.

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 Michal G.

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 Anonymous J.

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In stock!In stock!
Only 1 unit(s) available!
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$19.07 £15.39 ¥2899.88 AU$30.40

Additional product images (click to enlarge):

Image 1: Canonica Fondmetal | Rims in 1/24 scale manufactured by KMP Kool Models Production (ref. KMP-TK24054, also TK24054)Image 2: Canonica Fondmetal | Rims in 1/24 scale manufactured by KMP Kool Models Production (ref. KMP-TK24054, also TK24054)Image 3: Canonica Fondmetal | Rims in 1/24 scale manufactured by KMP Kool Models Production (ref. KMP-TK24054, also TK24054)Image 4: Canonica Fondmetal | Rims in 1/24 scale manufactured by KMP Kool Models Production (ref. KMP-TK24054, also TK24054)Image 5: Canonica Fondmetal | Rims in 1/24 scale manufactured by KMP Kool Models Production (ref. KMP-TK24054, also TK24054)Image 6: Canonica Fondmetal | Rims in 1/24 scale manufactured by KMP Kool Models Production (ref. KMP-TK24054, also TK24054)