Newsletter 160: Red light, yellow light, green light... GO!

Red light, yellow light, green light... GO!

Red light, yellow light, green light... GO!
As you all know, Cybermonday will be next Monday, after Thanksgiving, meaning the starting grid for Christmas GP is ready to go. And of course, like every year SpotModel won't miss the race! :) But... precisely this weekend we'll be travelling to the Czech Republic to visit Reji Models headquarters, so your friday and weekend orders won't be dispatched until Monday morning.

So... could we make it up to you? Mmmmmm.... Easy! This year we're stretching cybermonday to the whole weekend and a bit more!! :D If you place any order from 00:00 hours on Thursday November 27th to 23:59:59 hours on Monday December 1st (according to your local time), we will include a special gift from our warehouse; be sure that you will be speaking about it for a long time, and by "long" we mean "loooooooooooooooooooong", with exactly twenty "o" :) And if you participated in our cybermonday last year, ssshhhhhh.... don't spoil the surprise!!! If you keep our secret, we'll make sure you'll get surprised again in a VERY different way ;)

Gentlemen, start your engines, step on your clutch, engage first gear, and make sure you keep your eyes at SpotModel this weekend and even Monday! ;)